Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Water & Temples :)

Tonight at dinner, Kaden asked me if he could have some lemonade. I said that we were having water. He did not want water. Jeremy told him that our bodies are made up of water, to which he replied, "No they are not. Our bodies are made of a Temple."

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


On the way home from pre-school this is the conversation I had with Kaden.

Kaden: "Mom, why do people wear glasses?"
Mom: "So they can see."
Kaden: "So they can read?"
Mom: "Yes."
Kaden: "I think I need glasses."
Mom: "Why do you think that?"
Kaden: "Because I cannot read."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Getting Big!!

I told the boys to go brush their teeth. I asked Landon if he brushed his teeth and he said, "Yes." Then I asked who helped him, he replied, "Nobody, I helped myself!" with a big smile on his face :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Choose The Right

Kaden was give a CTR (Choose the Right) ring at church yesterday. He was very excited about this. I asked him what CTR meant and he told me "to be good." Later that day we were at my parent's house and Kaden was upset because he had lost his CTR ring. We looked for it , but did not find it. I told him I thought it was still at home and I did not think he had brought it to grandma's house. He looked very worried and then said, "I need it, or else I might be bad." Kaden cracks me up!! I told him that he could still be good even if he did not have his ring and that we would find it. Sure enough, when we got home, he found it! He was very happy to have his ring back. I was very happy that he was going to be "good!"

Monday, October 25, 2010

Airplane ride to Washington

While we were waiting on the plane for take off, Kaden says, "Did our space ship blast off yet?" He was serious too :0)

Then, once we did "blast off," He looked out the window and said, "I see TOYS!!"

A Million Dollars!!

Parker was SO excited that the T.V. dinner he picked out said he had a CHANCE to win a MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!! He peeked inside the box and said, "Oh, I did not win a million dollars, but I got .75 cents off!!" Referring to the coupon inside for .75 cents off more T.V. dinners :-)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This is Austin's first year to go to seminary. Seminary is an early morning church class for grades 9-12. His class starts at 5:45am. He gets up at 5am. For some reason his alarm clock never seems to work, so Jeremy or I would have to go upstairs and have him get out of bed ... this was getting very annoying! Finally one day Austin's alarm clock was going off at 5am ... too bad it was SATURDAY!! Now, the funniest part of this story has yet to come. Yesterday Austin was up and ready to wait for his ride ... only it was not 5:30am it was 4:30am!! His clock had the wrong time on it and he got up at 4am and did not notice the "real" time until he was already ready at 4:30am!! Today, his alarm went off at the right time and he got up and ready on his own :-) Hopefully this is how it will go for the rest of his seminary days.